Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Musical expression

Just to update, now at 8.5 hours sleep on the year.

I've always wanted to learn to play an instrument. Yes, I played some drums and some trumpet back in the day. But I was never even decent at either. But it would be nice to be able to express myself musically. Unfortunately, I am not willing to put in the time or effort to actually get to that point. Video editing, on the other hand, I think I could learn...

Also, I would like to add a supplementary album to my top ten of the year. I didn't get around to listening to "Phrazes for the Young" by Julian Casablancas until earlier today. It will require more listening to actually rank it, but I'm going to call it now- it makes the top ten. Fantastic album.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Let us begin the count

I think I'm going to keep a running tab of how much sleep I get for the new year. So far 3 hours. I know we're only 31 hours into the year, but I'm curious exactly how much I get and this seems a good way to keep track. Plus, my insomnia blog has become increasingly less about insomnia (probably a good thing, but whatever).

In related news, I'm pretty sure cigarettes are more effective on a lack of sleep. Go me.

I would also like to share a (edited) quote from an article you wouldn't be interested in.
"Recipes are for wusses. When I cook, I saddle up my trusty Suzuki and set out into the wilderness in search of rare spices, exotic vegetables and the finest meats. Then, back within the gothic vastness of my kitchen I chop things with huge cleavers, sear them over roaring flames and add garlic to them whether they need it or not. This is the untamed frontier of the culinary arts. Cooking the same thing twice is the sign of a civilization in decline."

If someone could tell me if I should have used "an" instead of "a" up there, that would be great. Not sure if the parenthetical remark counts as the next word. I have a suspicion I'm wrong.

Friday, January 1, 2010

ask and ye shall receive

Not going to waste your time talking. Here's the photoshopping I dreamed of.

Matt is amazing. If I was a real blogger, I'd say something about how awesome my fans are. Instead, I HAVE AMAZING FRIENDS!