Saturday, December 12, 2009

a list and a boring accounting story

Still sleeping way more than usual. Another 4 hours yesterday. I'm gonna have to rename my blog and quit being emo about my insomnia. Be happy for me.

So chasing down a variance (fancy accounting term for "crap you have to figure out") last night of $21.65, I found a transaction in that amount that a server had posted incorrectly. She had left a note that she did it wrong and had fixed it. It looked like she did too, so I spent in excess of 25 minutes trying to figure out what went wrong.
As it turns out there were two separate wrong transactions- one positive, one negative- that added up to that exact amount. Son of a bitch. What are the odds of that shit.

What I read whilst unemployed (41 days):
Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert Pirsig
Number 6 Fumbles - Rachel Solar-Tuttle
The Practice Effect - David Brin
Dragonsbane - Barbara Hambly
Illusions - Richard Bach
Series of Unfortunate Events (all 13 books) - Lemony Snickett
Fantastic Mr. Fox - Roald Dahl
Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover - Ally Carter
Cross My Heart And Hope To Spy - Ally Carter
I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You - Ally Carter
Odd And The Frost Giants - Neil Gaiman
Bearing An Hourglass - Piers Anthony
The Jaguar Smile - Salman Rushdie
Dangerous Angels - Francesca Lia Block
The Story of Philosophy - Will Durant
The Complete Myspace Blogs of Carmen
The Count Of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
The Code Of The Woosters - PG Wodehouse
All Creatures Great And Small - James Herriot
C.L.U.T.Z. And The Fizzion Formula - Marilyn Wilkes
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy - Douglas Adams
So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish - Douglas Adams
Lost Horizons - James Hilton

(35 items, one every 28 hours)

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