Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Me bitching about various things

Didn't sleep at all Monday (though I sure did lie down a lot, hurt my shoulder), odds aren't looking good for Tuesday. Sunday I got a few hours in so, along with my 6(!) hours Saturday afternoon, I should be good for awhile. Currently at 39 hours awake.

Now that I'm done complaining about that, I think I'll complain about something else. At the hotel I work at we have an elderly lady that lives in one of the rooms. I assume she's someone in the company's mother. One morning this week about 6, she fell and couldn't get up. This was on my last day of training, so I went on upstairs with the lady I was working with and we picked up a nude old lady. This apparently happens every week or so.

It was scary. Not the nude part, though that was by no means pleasant. But she is old enough that I felt I could break her. I decidedly have no training in this and it's really not in my job description, but mostly I'm just worried about her.

She is extremely nice a mentally sharp (reasonably so at least), but there is no doubt in my mind she needs to be in an assisted living facility if not a nursing home. I don't mind responsibility, but this is a little much.

Still love the chairdrum:

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